Exploring solutions at CTRLshift Summit 2019

There are going to be 20 Solutions Sessions at CTRLshift 2019. Each Solutions Session is 45 minutes to 1 hours in length and will take place in one of three main rooms at the venue. Solutions Sessions will take place around a table – physically or metaphorically – with up to 5 running simultaneously.

These sessions are part of the main programme and give an opportunity for partners and other attendees to share with others the work they’re doing and for each of us to learn from each other in these times of change.

The sessions offer a space to seek collaborations, explore mutual opportunities and challenges, and have a conversation with others that you may not otherwise have. These Solution Sessions are designed in a similar vein to the overall programme with an edge of spontaneity and an eye to interaction and participation.

The 20 Solutions Sessions on offer this year showcase the broad perspectives and work spheres that we in the room are part of. We hope you will enjoy participating in them.

List of Solutions Sessions 2019

  • Human & Nature’s Wellbeing – Jake Cliffe, Human Nature Escapes CIC
  • Systems Shift: Citizens Action Networks – Indra Adnan, The Alternative UK
  • Citizen-led Economic Transition – Jay Tompt, REconomy Totnes
  • Building the Open Credit Network – Dave Darby, Open Credit Network
  • Alternative Local Food Systems – Growing and Diversifying Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) – Page Dykstra, CSA Network UK
  • Students as change agents for local community action – Sarah Briggs, Keele University
  • Building Regional Networks – Richard Couldrey & Michael Thomas, Transition Network
  • Women as a force for Social Change – Nickala Torkington, Flourish Together CIC
  • Climate Conversations for Deep Social Change – Susannah Raffe
  • Working with Culture and Creativity – Hilary Jennings, Happy Museum Project
  • Our Money, Our Planet: Participatory Budgeting and Climate Change – Jez Hall, Shared Future CIC
  • Connecting Across Difference – Sophie Docker, Open Edge
  • Promoting Urban Agriculture – Jeremy Iles, Green Future CIC
  • People Powered Money – Mike Riddell, CounterCoin
  • Developing a regenerative business hub and practitioners forum – Anna Clayton, Ethical Consumer
  • Permaculture: Systems Thinking for Connected Action – Andy Goldring, Permaculture Association
  • Experiments in Shared Governance – Sarah McAdam, Transition Network
  • Building the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies 2020 – Jason Nardi, RIPESS EU
  • Community-led Housing, Steve Hoey, Community Land Trust Network

For more information, please visit: http://ctrlshift.org.uk/programme/

Please note, actual times on link above subject to change

2 Replies to “Exploring solutions at CTRLshift Summit 2019”

  1. […] shifting patterns of thinking as well as creating physical structures and organisations. The CTRLshift solutions sessions dived below the surface of culture and gave insights and case studies of how to challenge beliefs, […]


  2. […] Solutions sessions and themed conversations at Ctrl Shift 2019 combined an eclectic mix seeking to address a range of social and environmental challenges: Wellbeing, Citizen Action Networks, Citizen-led Economic Transition, Mutual Credit, Local Food, Students as change agents, Regional Networks, Women as a force for Social Change, Climate Conversations, Creativity, Participatory Budgeting, People Powered Money, Regenerative Business, Systems Thinking for Connected Action, Shared Governance, Transformative Economies or Community-led Housing.  Something for everyone you might say – or a lot of issues to try and do something about! […]


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