Ecosystem Mapping
CTRLshift Ecosystem Mapping Project
Can movements be truly self-organising and self-aligning, developing like an ecosystem? We think so. And to help create the conditions, having knowledge of ourselves and the connectivity through which to communicate seems essential. Our approach is to map ourselves – our organisations its relationships in the ‘changemaking landscape’ – along with using online tools to foster communication and ‘face to face – or ‘screen to screen’ meetings. (And face to face meeting in real life, too!)
This mapping is essential to see ourselves, understand the patterns, identify the gaps, and find the opportunities to shift, move, collaborate, lead and follow. We think this simple activity will help us organise and align ourselves – the work and collaborations of our organisations – and develop a movement like an ecosystem, rapidly evolving to build local and regional power, economically and politically, to adequately address the crises we collectively face – ecologic and climate, inequality and racism, diminishing democracy and rising corporatocracy.
There are other mapping projects out there that help to create a picture of our emerging movement. Check out them out: