CTRLshift: Spread the Word!

CTRLshift: An Emergency Summit for Change
Date: 27-29th March 2018 Venue: Edge Conference Centre / Wigan Old Courts
We are in a time of great uncertainty and unfolding crises
The social, economic and environmental failures of the current system are being cruelly exposed by rising inequality, social division, increasingly precarious and insecure employment, loss of biodiversity, accelerating climate change and the inability of an increasing number of people to meet their basic needs for good food and housing.
Another Britain already exists
Across Britain individuals, organisations and networks are working together to create a future that is inclusive, collaborative, and creates shared benefits. We are creating affordable housing, local food, renewable energy, sustainable transport, and alternative finance systems from the ground up. We have the research and policy proposals, campaigns and participatory processes to support them.
But we lack voice and coordination
Whilst many of the people working for a more participatory, inclusive and sustainable future share a set of values, and are working towards similar goals, our work remains fragmented and siloed. We have yet to demonstrate that we can bring together the different components we are each engaged in to create an alternative sustainable system, and our advocacy and policy work lacks voice and coordination. We struggle to work across identities of class, colour, culture, nationality, gender, politics and religion, even where we share the same values and aspirations for the future.
In the departure from the European Union and its aftermath, there will be unprecedented opportunities to shape and influence the creation and direction of policy in the United Kingdom. Will our collective voice be heard, or will the alternatives we have developed be ignored?
Help us shape a positive post Brexit future
We believe that the best way to effect change is to bring together those working to reform the system with those actively building practical radical alternatives on the ground. We want to bring together activists, organisers, commoners and entrepreneurs to develop a shared agenda to shift power over our democracy, economy and environment, from Westminster and multinational corporations, to people and communities across Britain. By bringing these solutions together and mobilising people for local and regional action we believe we can make ‘taking back control’ a positive reality.
CTRL Shift: An Emergency Summit for Change
Over two and ½ days in March 2018 we will:
- Share the successes and potential of our movements
- Identify the opportunities for a power shift towards greater local and regional autonomy
- Build new coalitions for collaborative and inclusive change
This is long term work – over the two days we can develop new relationships, and identify mechanisms and opportunities to work together more closely. We envisage that this will be the start of a wider process, one of a series of connected events and activities that will work together to create real change. Our departure from the European Union is a moment of significant disruption and presents us with an unparalleled opportunity to reshape the future. We hope you will join us in that effort.
Practicalities and an invitation to get involved
The event will be run on a cost of service / non profit making basis. Attendance to the event will be mainly by invitation, with the intention to bring together an initial group of 200 people with the agency and potential to follow through. If you are interested to get involved, please contact Dan Hurring at: events@permaculture.org.uk
Initial co-organisers include
The Alternative UK, Co-ops UK, Forum for the Future, People’s Food Policy, Shared Assets, Permaculture Association, Solidarity Economy Association, Social Enterprise UK, Stir Magazine, Unltd, Totnes REconomy Project, Transition Network, Shared Futures CIC, Coop Business Consultants, The Low Impact Living Initiative, Counter Coin.